Elephant Faa Mai


Born: 17th April 2009
Sex: Female

Faa Mai, which means New Sky was born on April 17, 2009, at Elephant Nature Park, the first calf born at the park to one of our resident elephants. Her mother, Mae Bua Tong, was rescued in 2005 with her daughter, Tong Jaan, who was 6 months old at the time.

SKU: SPELE08 Category:


Faa Mai will never suffer the cruel torture of ‘training’ that captive baby elephants are forced to endure and she will never work a day in her life or suffer abuse at the hands of people. The kindness that she has experienced since birth is evident in her gentle and curious nature. For the rest of her life, Faa Mai will stay in her matriarchal family group with her mother, Mae Bua Tong, her big sister, Tong Jaan, and adopted big sister, Faa Sai. She was a junior nanny to Dok Mai and to Dok Rak when they were younger.

Faa Mai has possibly the most dynamic, playful personality of any elephant at the whole park, as might be expected given her close relationship with founder, Lek, for whom she shows great affection. She is open, generous, kind, and willing to take risks in the hope of connecting with others for the sake of unity within other herds formed at ENP. She acts as a Park ambassador, welcoming newly rescued elephants and showing love to all whom she meets. Faa Mai seems to make a beautiful story of every day.

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Sponsorship Duration

6 Month, 1 Year