Elephant Highlands

Nong Pop

Nong Pop was born in 1990 and is the youngest in the herd at Elephant Highlands project.

All three elephants at Elephant Highlands were rescued at the same time from an elephant riding camp located in Kanchanaburi. Although the elephants were from the same camp they had never had the opportunity to interact and socialize together so it wasn’t known if they would get along.

It was wonderful to see Mae Pond & Kham Paeng become best friends and take on the role of nanny to Nong Pop. This small herd are never far from one another and their relationships are truly beautiful to witness.

Since arriving at Elephant Highlands, she has been relishing her newfound freedom and is especially friendly to the guests who visit this beautiful elephant sanctuary.

Rescue Location

Trekking Camp Kanchanaburi

Herd / Friends

Elephant Highlands Herd

Nong Pop Featured Photos

 If you would prefer you can sponsor Nong Pop by PayPal


About the Herd

Genaral Donation

Donations to Save Elephant Foundation help to provide:

  • A suitable environment for all our animals to thrive
  • Food and care for thousands of rescued animals
  • Purchase new land to provide for new rescues
  • Maintain and develop physical structures
  • Support local communities
  • Manage the day-to-day operations of the foundation

Save Elephant Foundation is officially registered as a non-profit foundation in Thailand – Registration No. Chor Mor 282.

If you would prefer you can donate land for elephant by PayPal


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Donation Total: $25