Update on Yai Boon’s life at ENP

Day one at ENP
About one and a half month an old bony lady named Yai Boon arrived at Elephant Nature Park. At that time she was very skinny, unhealthy, stressed and scared. We could obviously see ribs through her skin which was not normal for elephants.
Due to the old age of over 70 years old and very hard work she had done, this broke both of her physical and mental health.

Two weeks later – being fed with shredded cornstock.
We would do anything to gain back her weights and to make her a healthy happy elephant.
5 weeks later, her weight has gained almost 300 kilograms. Such a big gains for her. We always need to ensure that she has sufficient amount of healthy diets. Not only food can do this but her recovery is aided by love and care, rest and medical attention.
Yai Boon can take a walk around the park, smell the scent of tree in the woods and river and do elephant’s favorite : mud bath.
She has the best mahout Mee Lea who takes care of her really well.
Soon she’ll be happy and healthy again. We do hope that she’ll find her best friend for life.
And that’s the best reward for ENP.
Yai Boon relaxing by the river. Good job Mee Leah!!
Yai Boon after a mud bath.