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Update on Help for Elephants during crisis-19

More than 1500 elephants are represented under Save Elephant Foundation now, having asked for food assistance.
Every captive elephant in Thailand has an identity and a certificate.
The elephant owner who struggles, and requires help, petitions to us together with a copy of Elephant – Owner ID.
We have approved 1476 elephants, and all will soon be helped.
Due to the lock down of COVID19, our own travel is limited, but we have our team who cooperates to work in every part of Thailand.
In Southern Thailand, the center to help is at Phuket Elephant Sanctuary. There are 361 elephants who have registered for fund assistance.
On May 06 every elephant will receive 5,000 Baht plus additional food.
The elephant camps who work in Pattaya area have registered 305 elephants, and our SEF team will bring funds to give direct to each project.
For other parts of Thailand, North, West and Northeast regions, all funding to help for food will use bank transfer by way of government officials who will be our representatives to bring food funding to all of the owners of elephants.
Many elephant owners still can’t provide the proper documents as they are held as a guarantee for loans with banks. We will try to help them as this group are the ones who are truly in need.
On behalf of over a thousand elephants who receive money for food now, I would like to thank all of you who are helping SEF to bring funds to support the elephants at this time of crisis. For your kindness and concern, we are grateful.
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