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Update of the Seven Elephants rescued

After every rescue is a time of rest and recovery for the elephant and a time of keen observation for us. How does each one respond to their new environment and treatment ? In this case, we want to know who gets along well with others, who has generalized or food aggression, who is scared/timid, who is a risk to their mahout. There are many things to consider before we introduce them to our family members. Of course, it would be best, and easiest, if all seven could be together. They weren’t a small herd before. They all have different personalities. Our mahouts must be alert and attentive as we try to understand them, working hard to gain their trust.

The Rescued Elephant comes from a common background. Young and old, they have passed through so much trauma and suffering. Their life as an elephant has been taken from them. We are now trying to bring them back, to know themselves and enjoy that life, and perhaps to find themselves as belonging to the herd.

After three days at their new home here in ENP, some of them have adjusted well. The old girl is warming to Janpaeng. Of the remaining 6, four of them are on good terms with each other, accepting friendship and staying close together. They begin to enjoy their new home. Here are some happy pictures of our new family members.

On behalf of these Elephants, we are Thankful to TrunksUp and the Abraham Foundation who organised this campaign to help these elephants out of work to discover a different life at ENP. Thanks to every one who supported this campaign, contributing via Trunks Up until we can make this happen. Without you, we cannot change these elephant’s lives. You have given to them a meaningful gift.

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