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Top 10 Cute Animal Pics From Save Elephant Foundation

Recently, we’ve been overwhelmed with how frequently the word “awww” is heard in the office. Being around so many animals, not a day goes by without us witnessing something cute! Although we don’t always have access to a camera, here are our top shots of capturing cute at Save Elephant Foundation (in no particular order). As you’ll notice, Navann owns quite the monopoly at the moment!

If you want an even better look at these adorable snaps, click on the photos.

1. Starting off the nominees … baby Navann!

Navann kneeling in the sunWe may be biased, but we think he’s the cutest elephant in the world!

2. And some more Navann …

Lek and Elephant Nature Park's baby

Navann will show up a total of six times in the top ten, so it’s not surprising he’s here back-to-back-to-back. Given how small Lek is, his cuteness is HEAVY!

3. And even more Navann

Elephant Nature Park baby Navann

This time the “little” guy is playing with his favorite toy (for the time-being): a tire.

4. Fatty Faa Mai

Elephant Nature Park's Faa Mai

Vying for Lek’s attention more now that Navann is around, Faa Mai is learning how to entertain herself on her own. Here, she’s playing tag with a dragonfly at Elephant Nature Park.

5. Navann and his bathtub

Elephant Nature Park's Navann

An oldie, but a goodie! Navann’s enjoying his new bathtub, as his first one was a bit too small for a baby elephant!

6. Navann says “hello”

Elephant Nature Park's Navann says "hello"

Here’s our not-so-little boy again saying “Hello!” in the best way he knows how.

7. Puppies galore!

Cute puppies asleep in a rowWith all the rescue dogs we care for in our Dog Rescue project, new litters of puppies are inevitable. Aren’t they just being asked to be scooped up??

8. Dham … and Navann

Navann smiling with DhamAnd for his sixth and final appearance in the category, Navann is hanging out with his best friend, and mahout, Dham.

9. Tigger

Tigger, Elephant Nature Park

Tigger was one of a litter of four rescued near Elephant Nature Park. She’s a playful office cat and is often seen with her tongue sticking out!

10. The happiest pup

Happy dog at Elephant Nature Park

To finish up our nominees of the cutest animal at Save Elephant Foundation, we’ve got this playful pup, happily enjoying life after being rescued.

Which is your favorite?

If you think you’ve caught a cuter picture of our beloved animals, post it to our Facebook page!

This Post Has 18 Comments
  1. I can’t decide between numbers 1 and 8 but having had the pleasure of meeting Navaan,he will always be the cutest to me. xxx

  2. I just love animals! And another news… I just found out that Manila Zoo has a cute elephant named Mali, and she is the only elephant in the Philippines! She has lived there for almost all of her lives, for more than 30 years. The zoo should feel like her sweet and cozy home now. But then, I read some articles in, and I noticed that Mali is in fact sad and lonely! Look at her here: She is like a prisoner, who cannot spend her days with her friends, roam in vast territories, and have delicious adequate food! She even suffers from foot problems. Why does she deserve this?  Please Help Her!

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