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Times of trouble for Mae Keow

As we mentioned briefly on our SEF facebook page a little while back, Mae Keow, the third elephant Lek rescued back in 1998, is not doing so well. We were hoping to see improvement but sadly she has taken a turn for the worse.

Mae Keow heads out to the tree shrine area in the morning.

Mae Keow heads out to the tree shrine area in the morning.

Mae Keow is around 55 years old and has always been a healthy elephant with no known pre-existing conditions. She has had her emotional ups and downs over the past three and a half years after losing her long term best friend Lily. Recently Mae Keow had been doing quite well socially and was spending most of her time on the fringes on the Lucky, Boon Ma, Bua Loy social group. Mae Keow had really taken a liking to Lucky and could often be seen snuggling with her.

Mae Keow snuggling with Lucky.

Mae Keow snuggling with Lucky.

For a while now, Mae Keow had been kept at the same shelter as Mae Perm and Jokia at night. This also had seemed to be working out and on many a morning you would find Mae Keow and Jokia standing close to each other. These three gals have known each other for many years now but never really connected, so the possibility of an alliance forming was heartening.

Mae Keow also adores Navann and treasures the moments shared with him.

Mae Keow also adores Navann and treasures the moments shared with him.

Things seemed to be looking up for Mae Keow but sadly, out of nowhere she become very weak, even collapsing a few times. Mae Keow had not been limping and there was no swelling anywhere. We began to observe Mae Keow more closely and decided to keep her in a chain free shelter to restrict her movements and give her a safe place to rest. A blood sample was sent to the lab, but the results came back normal.


Mae Keow resting in a chain free shelter.

Saturday afternoon, the 13th of December Mae Keow was in the chain free shelter when she lost her balance and fell backwards. Tragically, when she fell she broke her back right leg. We are doing everything we can to keep her comfortable. Thankfully, she still has an appetite. She is receiving 24 hour care. We have a sling attached to a hydraulic crane and assist in lifting and lowering her when she wants to lay down or stand. Mae Keow is receiving fluid therapy to keep her hydrated, pain medication, vitamin supplements and antibiotics to prevent infection. We are collaborating with vets from Thai Elephant Conservation Center, Chiang Mai University, and the livestock department to do what is best for Mae Keow.

We apologise for not posting sooner but have been so involved with caring for her, and shocked by this development…..
Please send Mae Keow healing energy and keep her in your prayers.

This Post Has 14 Comments
  1. Belle MAE J’éspère qu’elle va se rétablir, mais sa fracture comment va-t’elle consolidé? j’éspère qu’elle ne souffre pas trop et qué l’on va pouvoir la soigner. Je t’envoie par mes prières pleines d’ondes positives.

  2. It’s shocking news but I truly hope Mae Keow to get well soon and enjoy her last years of living surrounded by love and knowing everyone is doing everything for her well being.
    Praying and fingers crossed ❤️

  3. We were at the Park in October, and felt the love and compassion given to all the eles. We know Mae Keow is getting the best possible care and will send her good vibes and prayers . I will let my students at ICC know about her as well. They have been raising money for the park for a few months and have taken an interest in certain individuals through your gracious stories. They are only middle school children, but they feel deeply about your efforts and want to help. Thank you for keeping us informed and know that you and Lek are in our prayers during this most difficult time.

  4. So sad to hear such bad news. The question still remains why we do not preserve instead of explore such animals. Also I heard that baby elephants are been kidnapped to be sold for China circus. Whaaaattt? This is unacceptable! Still keep doing for the best for such amazing mamals.

  5. Dear All,

    Thank you for taking such wonderful care of all the dear elephants, I know they are very Blessed and Grateful.

    I am grateful for all you Lovely people.

    Healing thoughts all the way from USA., articles on prayer and healing.

    Would Love to donate funds, kindly give me an address or link to paypal which is secure.

    Love to all again.

  6. I’m pleased to hear of the good care this elephant is getting.. I’m praying for all the caretakers of this sweet animal. Thank you.

  7. Dear Mae Keow, I am so sorry you are unwell, and I sympathise with your broken leg, I have had 3 of those.
    Please get strong, and well.
    People all over the world are worried about you, love you, and wish you the best.
    LOTZOVLUV a from Maggie(Ele Ambassador)’ OZ! Xxxxxxxxx

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