Friday June 5th
What began as a day filled with hope, turned out sad…

At this point everyone was excited and expectant.
Tong Jaan, big sister of Faa Mai and daughter of Mae Bua Tong, gave birth to a stillborn bull calf at approximately midnight. She had shown signs of discomfort through out the day and ate intermittently. Her mother and Auntie Mae Thai stayed with her in their shelters.

Her family was with her, every step of the way.
The evening began quietly with everyone settled in their rooms. As night fell, Tong Jaan occasionally vocalized her discomfort and was restless, trying to find a comfortable position. Our vet team was waiting near by, keeping records of her condition.
At 12:00 a.m., Tong Jaan bellowed once, her family rumbled collectively around her and all went silent. Her very long legged, skinny, baby boy came out. He appeared slightly underdeveloped, perhaps premature – and – tragically without his umbilical cord. Somehow it had been torn off right at his body. The blood was fresh, so it seemed that it had not been long since the separation occurred. As well, his back left leg was completely straight and stiff.
Tong Jaan is restless and exhausted. She has yet to expel the placenta and the remaining cord. Our vets will continue to observe her for the remainder of the night. Tong Jaan’s family members are sombre and clustered against the walls of her room, trunks outstretched towards her, softly rumbling to comfort her.
The placenta was expelled at around 2:30 a.m. Saturday, June 6th. Both infant and placenta were taken to Chiang Mai University for a necropsy to hopefully give us insight into the cause of death.
Saturday afternoon, June 6th
Here is an update on Tong Jaan’s condition. This morning she had an appetite and ate bananas willingly. She then decided to come out with the rest of her family. She seems do be doing pretty well physically, but she is moving slow. The whole group is pretty down and subdued today. They are all tired.

Surrounded by protection and love.

No naughtiness from rebellious Faa Sai, no playful antics from Dok Mai and Faa Mai. Today is a day for family togetherness. They look like the sisterhood of the sad eyes….. All seem deeply reflective.

They couldn’t get any closer…
The collective sense of love and loyalty is heartbreaking.

Faa Sai comforts her adopted sister.
The tenderness brings you to tears….. Their emotions emanate through every tiny gesture..

Completely surrounded by unconditional love.
Her beloved family constantly surrounds her, nurturing, touching, reassuring, comforting. They are one gigantic embrace. Tong Jaan is in the middle, feeling safe in their fold.

Sad eyed sisters….
She will never forget, but she will heal… love will help her get through this time of sadness.
We are greatly saddened to have to post this news…. please keep Tong Jaan and the rest of her family in your thoughts.