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The rescue of Lucky: one year later

One year ago a blind ex-circus elephant, who had been chained in her owner’s yard for the past three years, hit the jackpot … a truck pulled up, ready to take her on a 20+ hour journey that would end at ENP, where she would begin her new life. Little did she know it, but it was her lucky day. For once in her life, her name was fitting, for she was known as Lucky.

Lucky is a rescued elephant at Elephant Nature Park

Within a week of arriving, Lucky had settled in and found friends. She is currently the constant companion of Mae Boon Ma, Mae Bua Loy and Dani. She also enjoys interaction with Mae Kham Puan,Tilly, Malai Tong, Faa Mai and is one of the many who are smitten with Navann. Lucky spends her days peacefully hanging out with her girlfriends in the areas of the park that they find comfortable.

Lucky in one of the herds

Lucky mingles with her best girlfriends

Lucky’s mahout is Pae Tou. He has been with her since she first arrived. Lucky feels safe with him, but she does not feel comfortable when people touch her trunk or cluster around her. For some blind elephants (or any elephant), this can be quite stressful and overwhelming. We try to respect her personal space and keep the guests at a distance. The most important thing for Lucky is touch and reassurance from her best girlfriends. Being close to them gives her a feeling of contentment and belonging. We are happy that Lucky was one of the fortunate ones who were able to adapt to a new life and find friends easily. One year after arrival, it feels like Lucky has been here always.

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