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The BEST Christmas Gifts

Family group at Elephant Nature Park with Ball

There is never a dull moment at Elephant Nature Park, and Christmas Day was no exception!

On their way back from the river, Faa Mai and Chang Yim’s family group was given a Christmas present in the form of a big multi colored blow up beach ball, thanks to Hinesh from the UK. To us humans it seemed a thing that might be fun to kick around, but to the elephants it appeared to be a UFO and had an air of danger to it. The herd approached cautiously, then shied away. When it was thrown or kicked in their direction in an attempt to encourage play, the whole group swirled and trunk thumped, vocalizing their disdain for the alien intruder.

At first, they tried to pretend that the ball was not there. Finally Tong Jaan in valiant act of bravery, took matters into her own trunk, strode forward purposefully to where the orb was and in a rather swift movement pulled the ball to her and deflated it with her front foot. Mission accomplished!!! The family was saved from the invasion!!! Satisfied, off they went to bed.

After things at Elephant Nature Park wrapped up for the day and all of the elephants were settled in their shelters, the real Christmas gift was for Navann, Sri Prae and Mae Kham Paan to come down to the river for the first time. This was easier said than done as Navann was quite over excited to be out and about and surged ahead willy nilly causing a bit of distress for mom and grandma auntie. Mae Kham Paan is an amazing auntie already, cautious and protective, not about to let the little boy get into any trouble.

When they finally reached the river’s edge, the trio stopped short and held their ground. Both Sri Prae and Mae Kham Paan decided that their journey was finished and there would be no going into the river. Navann decided that running head on into the group of onlookers would be fun, which caused some excitement. After that, they moved towards the ‘ele-stonehenge’ for a much needed scratch and spent some time applying dirt and mud.

Navann explored tentatively, but mostly stayed within reach of Sri Prae and Mae Kham Paan. A peaceful hour passed, the light began to fade. Soon it was time for Navann to return to his shelter, mom and auntie in tow. Sleep would come swiftly after such an adventure! What a beautiful way to end Christmas Day at ENP.

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