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Mintra and Yin Dee Finally Roam Free

Mintra can’t wipe the smile off her face these days … she has a good friend by her side, a bundle of joy at her breast and a loyal old fuss budget hovering in the background. But what makes her smile the most is that she is enjoying the company of those most dearest to her while grazing peacefully, feeling the grass underfoot and the sun shining on her back. She can have a roll in the mud when she wishes and has a companion to rub against when needed. Finally, after six weeks in the security of the shelter, Mintra and Yin Dee are free to roam at will at Elephant Nature Park!

Baby elephant Yin Dee and mom Mintra

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Top 10 Cute Animal Pics From Save Elephant Foundation

Recently, we’ve been overwhelmed with how frequently the word “awww” is heard in the office. Being around so many animals, not a day goes by without us witnessing something cute! Although we don’t always have access to a camera, here are our top shots of capturing cute at Save Elephant Foundation (in no particular order). As you’ll notice, Navann owns quite the monopoly at the moment!

If you want an even better look at these adorable snaps, click on the photos.

1. Starting off the nominees … baby Navann!

Navann kneeling in the sunWe may be biased, but we think he’s the cutest elephant in the world!

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