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Baby elephant Navann’s family reunites

In our last post about Navann and his ever changing line up of doting aunties, Dao Tong had joined the group much to the dismay of Mae Jarunee, who moved off to the sidelines in an act of protest. Faa Mai, Faa Sai, Tong Jaan, even Mae Bua Tong and Chang Yim had been spending lots of time with Navann, causing Mae Keow and Dani to lose their confidence to approach the irresistible young bull. Malai Tong was quite busy between keeping Mae Jarunee company, checking in with Navann and flitting around like the social butterfly that she is catching up with old friends.

Navann covered in mud

What would happen next was anyone’s guess …

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Could baby elephant Navann be most popular at ENP?

Now that baby elephant Navann is out and about all day, every day, things have became much more exciting in the social world here at Elephant Nature Park.

Navann and his growing brigade of aunties give everyone the feeling that there is hope for new relationships. ENP’s Navann is gaining new admirers with each passing day. There is hardly an elephant in the park whose life Navann has not touched in some way or another.

baby elephant Navann at ENP

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Persistence Pays Off for Mae Kham Paan – Navann’s New Nanny

Mae Kham Paan as auntie for baby Navann at Elephant Nature ParkAfter weeks of patiently standing outside of Navann’s nursery, the door was finally opened allowing Mae Kham Paan entry, last Friday at around five in the afternoon. Mae Kham Paan (and Navann as well!) had been waiting for this moment for some time. They were so happy to finally be in the same space together, free to touch and caress at will. Within a few minutes Navann was suckling at Mae Kham Paan’s breast in hopes that there would be milk- but alas, there was only comfort. Mae Sri Prae was mildly cautious at first, but it was obvious that she welcomed the addition. The ladies shared grass, companionably sheltering Navann between them. The little bull used his trunk to sniff and touch his new auntie everywhere within reach. He immediately seemed to calm down. Mae Kham Paan had a look of total contentment and self satisfaction. She seemed to be thinking ‘It is about time I was let in here!’

There could not be a better candidate for an auntie/grandma than Mae Kham Paan; she is calm, reserved, older, experienced, non-threatening. Quite often new mothers can be stressed out by younger, over-dramatic females who are a bit baby-crazy. These girls mean well, but their overprotectiveness can sometimes cause more harm than good. Therefore, seasoned old matrons are a welcome relief for new mothers.

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