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Baby elephant Navann causes auntie controversy

Who will really end up being baby elephant Navann’s aunties at Elephant Nature Park? At this moment it is anyone’s guess …

A few weeks ago we would have felt confident in saying that Mae Kham Paan was the recognized Number One Auntie and that Malai Tong and Mae Jarunee were a firm Number Two and Three. Mae Keow was a definite part-timer and recently Dani was even getting lots of quality time with Navann each morning.

Dao Tong at Elephant Nature Park

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Photo Essay: Founder Lek Chailert and Elephant Nature Park

Lek and the family herd at Elephant Nature Park

Since the foundation launched its new site and blog encompassing all of Lek’s projects in October 2012, we’ve aimed to provide our supporters not only with the latest news from her projects, but also entertaining and informative stories and photos about the animals we rescue.

Today, we’d like to share with you some of our favorite photos of Lek with you from the past year. These photos show just how amazing Lek and her bond with the animals in her life is.

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The BEST Christmas Gifts

Family group at Elephant Nature Park with Ball

There is never a dull moment at Elephant Nature Park, and Christmas Day was no exception!

On their way back from the river, Faa Mai and Chang Yim’s family group was given a Christmas present in the form of a big multi colored blow up beach ball, thanks to Hinesh from the UK. To us humans it seemed a thing that might be fun to kick around, but to the elephants it appeared to be a UFO and had an air of danger to it. The herd approached cautiously, then shied away. When it was thrown or kicked in their direction in an attempt to encourage play, the whole group swirled and trunk thumped, vocalizing their disdain for the alien intruder.

At first, they tried to pretend that the ball was not there. Finally Tong Jaan in valiant act of bravery, took matters into her own trunk, strode forward purposefully to where the orb was and in a rather swift movement pulled the ball to her and deflated it with her front foot. Mission accomplished!!! The family was saved from the invasion!!! Satisfied, off they went to bed.

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Dao Tong

  Meaning 'Golden Star' in Thai, Dao Tong was born around 1975. She was rescued from street begging in the Surin Province and arrived at ENP in November 2012. Before street begging she worked in illegal logging. While logging she…

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Mae Jan Peng

  Her name means 'Full Moon', and she was born around 1943. Mae Jan Peng's  owners retired her to ENP in January 2009 after a long life of logging and trekking work. She had been owned and worked for the…

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Mae Jampaa

  She was born around 1954 and her name means 'Magnolia'. Mae Jampaa was rescued in December 2009.  She had the same owner for most of her life, working in the legal logging industry until 1989, and then illegally for…

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Chang Yim

  Chang Yim was born at ENP on July 12, 2009, his name means 'Smiling Elephant'. His mother is Dok Ngern and he has a little sister named Dok Mai. He is the second baby ever to be born and…

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Mae Lanna

  Born around 1980 and rescued from street-begging in February 2007, Mae Lanna has also worked in legal logging on coconut palm and rubber tree plantations in the south of Thailand. Her name refers to her new beginning in the Lanna…

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Mae Keow

Mae Keow was born around 1958. Her full name, Mae Keow Gala Yor, means 'Petite green eyed lady'. She was rescued and arrived to ENP in 1998. She was the third elephant Lek rescued. Mae Keow worked in both the…

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