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Mintra blesses us with a baby boy – welcome Yin Dee!!!!

The new baby elephant, Yin Dee

Rumbles, roars and chirps erupted at around 12:15 a.m. on August 25th breaking the midnight silence, announcing the arrival of a new born calf. Stirred to consciousness by the vocalizations, bleary eyed ENP staff sprung from their beds. Grabbing flashlights and cameras, they rushed to the elephant shelters to catch a glimpse of the newest member of our herd.

the baby elephant yindee

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Baby elephant Navann’s family reunites

In our last post about Navann and his ever changing line up of doting aunties, Dao Tong had joined the group much to the dismay of Mae Jarunee, who moved off to the sidelines in an act of protest. Faa Mai, Faa Sai, Tong Jaan, even Mae Bua Tong and Chang Yim had been spending lots of time with Navann, causing Mae Keow and Dani to lose their confidence to approach the irresistible young bull. Malai Tong was quite busy between keeping Mae Jarunee company, checking in with Navann and flitting around like the social butterfly that she is catching up with old friends.

Navann covered in mud

What would happen next was anyone’s guess …

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Elephant Nature Park’s Navann Enjoys New Nannies

Four-month-old Navann has been having more fun than ever in the past few weeks at Elephant Nature Park.

His evening trips to the mud pit accompanied by mom Sri Prae and auntie Mae Kham Paan have been lasting longer and longer, finally climaxing with the long awaited first trip to the river.

At first we had thought that Sri Prae would not feel safe taking Navann to the river without a few more guardians, so we were not pushing the idea. The plan was to introduce Malai Tong and Jarunee to see if they all could get on without any stress or conflict. While this was still in the works, Mae Kham Paan and Navann decided they were ready, taking the initiative and heading to the river’s edge one fine afternoon after an extended romp in the mud. Once the two of them reached the water, Sri Prae could do nothing but follow.

Navann's herd grows to include Malai Tong and Jarunee as aunties at Elephant Nature Park

Navann’s herd grows to include Malai Tong and Jarunee as aunties (from left – right: Sri Prae, Mae Kham Paan, Navann, Malai Tong, Jarunee)

Navann could not have been more excited! The river was a giant wading pool to him. He could hardly contain himself — rushing around splashing and tumbling down into the water, Mom and Auntie doing their best to keep him inbetween their legs. That first experience was kept short and sweet but from that day forward, playing in the river became part of the routine and something that Navann looked forward to with great anticipation.

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Elephant Nature Park’s Lucky Settles In

Lucky, who arrived to Save Elephant Foundation’s Elephant Nature Park just over one month ago, has settled in so well that it does not even feel like we have a new elephant! Lucky has joined with Mae Bua Loy, Mae Boon Ma and Dani. The trio has accepted Lucky completely and they are mostly inseparable.

Lucky with her new friends, Mae Boon Ma and Mae Bua Loy

Lucky with her new friends, Mae Boon Ma, Mae Bua Loy and Dani (absent)

Lucky was the star attraction of the ‘Lucky Circus’, which was based in Surin but travelled all over Thailand. She went blind due to years of performing under the spotlights. For the last three years she was kept at her owner’s home. Though treated like family, Lucky was not allowed to roam much and was very reliant on people to give her direction.

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Captive Elephants Escape From Nearby Trekking Camp to Elephant Nature Park

Things are changing in the Mae Taeng valley … it is not the quiet, secluded place it used to be. The realities of exploitative elephant tourism are now right next door and visible to us on a daily basis. Slowly but surely the land to the east of us has been bought up, initially being used for agriculture which limited our elephants grazing area.  But, when the new land owners decided to build a restaurant/viewing platform and elephant camp beside us, our hearts sank.

You may ask “Why did we not buy this land well before it could be bought by others?” We did actually try. However, in this area much land for sale does not have a secure deed and buying this land could pose a risk. Also, the owner’s asking price is often twice the fair market value.

As a result, what we call the “back” of the park (where the view was pristine with no signs of human habitation) has now been spoiled by construction in progress and the sad sight of two young elephants on short chains, no access to water, heads bobbing endlessly in an act of infinite boredom. For the last two weeks or so, these poor elephants have been chained for most of the day, one within 10 feet of our property line. Obviously they can see, as well as communicate with our elephants.

Our herd has, of course, been curious about them. Faa Sai, defiantly ignoring the mahouts, has made several attempts to run over to meet the forlorn youngsters, Faa Mai and Chang Yim trundling along behind her. Knowing Faa Sai, she has probably been encouraging them to “break free and join the herd,” urging them to “resist and rebel,” and adding that “trekking is no life for an elephant.”

It was only a matter of time before something happened.

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Elephant Nature Park’s Kwanjai Feeling Her Age

Dear, amazing, determined, resilient Kwanjai. What she has been through, and how well she has done despite it all, is truly incredible.

Kwanjai arrived to Save Elephant Foundation’s Elephant Nature Park in late 2010. When rescued she was already on “her last legs” and we were unsure how long she would be with us.Kwanjai at Elephant Nature Park

Originally called “Lamyai,” her name was changed to Kwanjai when she arrived to the park, in honor of her much deserved retirement and new life. Kwanjai promptly decided that she was not quite ready to give up. You could almost hear her thinking “FINALLY! No trekking seat, no logging harness, no bull hook, no ignorant tourists or mahouts riding on me…I am sticking around to get the most I can out of this place!'” 

And so she did.

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Malai Tong Makes Shy Kham Sai Smile!

Malai Tong and Kham Sai at Elephant Nature Park

Kham Sai enjoys random moments of companionship.

The elusive Mae Kham Sai … many a visitor pass through Elephant Nature Park never seeing or hearing about her. Kham Sai is one of the little known and seldom seen herd members. She doesn’t feel comfortable at the platform or in any of the other areas where many of the elephants tend to congregate. She has been with us for nine years, but has never really bonded with any of the other elephants. In addition, she is shy and unpredictable with people.

Before arriving to ENP, Kham Sai had numerous bad experiences with both people and elephants, causing her to lose her trust in both species. Kham Sai is content to stay on the sidelines and not interact. We respect how she feels and do not want to force her to join in activities that may cause her stress.

There is ONE special adult elephant in the park whom Kham Sai feels comfortable with. It may come as no surprise that this elephant is none other than marvelous Malai Tong. Unfortunately, Malai Tong has already dedicated herself to Jarunee, who is blind and also a bit nervous around other elephants, so the chances of the duo becoming a trio are quite slim.

But, Malai Tong being the intuitive gal that she is, recognises those in need of some company. As of late, there have been a few occasions where Malai Tong has left Jarunee to spend some time with shy Kham Sai. To bear witness to these precious moments is nothing short of priceless as Kham Sai comes alive with pleasure. You can actually see the smile on her face as she touches and caresses Malai Tong who responds in the same fashion. If they happen to be near a mud hole they will share a mud bath and Kham Sai fully relaxed, happily slinging mud to her heart’s content!

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