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Sisterly love

Taken from her mother at only one year-old, Saree was forced to beg on the street for tourists.  When she was not working on the streets, she was subjected to harsh training techniques, forcing her to perform tricks. She has a dislocated hip from one instance where she was being chased and fell.

Being forced to complete these tricks, Saree developed a high level of resentment towards humans.  Because of this built up resentment of humans due to her unfortunate life she became a dangerous elephant at a very young age.

When she was about 10 years old, she was rescued and brought to Elephant Nature Park.  Since her arrival, she has done very well finding a herd to fit into.  She is now the adopted big sister of Khun Dej and the adopted daughter of ENP’s beloved Dani.

Saree has healed somewhat since her arrival but she maintains to be unpredictable with people.  She is fiercely protective of her new family.  To assure she has as little stress as possible, Saree, Khun Dej and Dani are not approached by visitors.

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