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Persistence Pays Off for Mae Kham Paan – Navann’s New Nanny

Mae Kham Paan as auntie for baby Navann at Elephant Nature ParkAfter weeks of patiently standing outside of Navann’s nursery, the door was finally opened allowing Mae Kham Paan entry, last Friday at around five in the afternoon. Mae Kham Paan (and Navann as well!) had been waiting for this moment for some time. They were so happy to finally be in the same space together, free to touch and caress at will. Within a few minutes Navann was suckling at Mae Kham Paan’s breast in hopes that there would be milk- but alas, there was only comfort. Mae Sri Prae was mildly cautious at first, but it was obvious that she welcomed the addition. The ladies shared grass, companionably sheltering Navann between them. The little bull used his trunk to sniff and touch his new auntie everywhere within reach. He immediately seemed to calm down. Mae Kham Paan had a look of total contentment and self satisfaction. She seemed to be thinking ‘It is about time I was let in here!’

There could not be a better candidate for an auntie/grandma than Mae Kham Paan; she is calm, reserved, older, experienced, non-threatening. Quite often new mothers can be stressed out by younger, over-dramatic females who are a bit baby-crazy. These girls mean well, but their overprotectiveness can sometimes cause more harm than good. Therefore, seasoned old matrons are a welcome relief for new mothers.

Mae Kham Paan’s interest in babies has only been rekindled recently – by Chang Yim surprisingly enough! Many old females in the ‘grandma’ age range (65 to 75) are actually a bit nervous of precocious pachyderm toddlers and shy away from their advances, in some cases running away!  About eight months ago, Chang Yim began to wander away from the family group during the daily ‘close-up’ time. During these forays, he would often come upon Mae Kham Paan who was hanging out over near the medical center. At first she responded in the stereotypical fashion trying to move away from him, worrying about the whereabouts of his overprotective auntie Mae Sri Nuan.

Chang Yim did not give up easily. He was determined to win her over and each day he returned to visit her at the same time. Soon they were sharing a basket of fruit and Mae Kham Paan began to realize that she enjoyed the young bull’s company. Chang Yim was always on his best behavior around Mae Kham Paan, never instigating pushing matches. After a few weeks of this daily engagement, when Yim would run back to his family group in response to their calls, Kham Paan ran along after him! Mae Kham Paan was discouraged from getting too close to the family group because of Mae Sri Nuan and Mae Thai who are quite territorial and protective.

Chang Yim at Elephant Nature ParkTime passed and Chang Yim’s obsession with Mae Kham Paan started to fade. Their meetings became less frequent and soon tapered off completely. For Mae Kham Paan, this relationship reawakened long buried maternal desires. Before meeting Chang Yim, she had possibly assumed that her relationships would only involve those thirty-something and older, but – now the opportunities have broadened!

Lucky for Mae Kham Paan, little Navann was born and gave her just the chance she was looking for. Here was a little one whose mother was a ‘free agent’, just waiting for the right prospective auntie to come along. Malai Tong seemed the first choice but she has Jarunee, who really needs her. Jarunee and Sri Prae have jealousy issues over Malai Tong and can sometimes be unpredictable around each other.

Seeing an opening, Mae Kham Paan held vigil, communicating quietly with Navann and his mother, reaching in to touch and caress the little one, biding her time, knowing that sooner or later that door would open and she would take on the most coveted role of ‘AUNTIE’. Navann had chosen Mae Kham Paan even before she was allowed inside and was often seen reaching for her breast attempting to suckle from inside the nursery. He knew she would make the perfect grandma auntie.  Now, everyone’s wishes have come true and all is well in Navann’s ele-world; He has his mum Sri Prae as well as granny/auntie Kham Paan – a calf couldn’t be happier. We hope that once Navann and ‘Mae’ Sri Prae are free roaming that Malai Tong and Jarunee will be able to join them. Stay tuned for more developments in Navann’s life!!!

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