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Pamper a Pachyderm: New Elephant Tour Launches in Chiang Mai

Close your eyes and imagine … eating a picnic lunch in the jungle, surrounded by elephants who don’t have to work but get to enjoy just being elephants!

Pamper a Pachyderm

Visitors take a leisurely jungle walk with Muoy’s elephants.

This is now a reality, thanks to the launch of the new Pamper a Pachyderm tour operating out of Chiang Mai.

Pamper Pachyderm

The brave and amazing camp owner, Muoy, leads the group through the jungle.

The new tour, which came about when camp owner Muoy Khamwichia approached Lek to learn more about Elephant Nature Park and how it operated. The result is a beautiful new partnership with between two woman with the best interests of elephants in mind. And, hopefully, the start of a new trend of trekking camps adopting the same practices — no rides, no shows, no hooks.

Walk with elephants

A guest walks with one of the elephants on the Pamper a Pachyderm tour.

Beginning on New Year’s Day, travelers have been able to participate in this program, which is a day-long, and introduces them to a special elephant in an intimate setting.

A week later, we are so pleased to report the tour has started off a success! Thank you so much to Muoy for being so brave and operating this program!

Elephant dirt

This girl loves to get dirty on the Pamper a Pachyderm Tour!

Only open to six people per day (two guests per elephant), visitors to Muoy’s camp get to spend one-on-one time with an elephant, learning about the animal, watching her eat, scratch, bathe and get reacquainted to life off of chains. Then, after a morning of spending time with the elephant, the group heads out on a jungle walk with the three elephants in the program, ending with a vegetarian picnic lunch before going on raft adventure ending at Elephant Nature Park. The afternoon is spent at ENP before the group returns to the city.

The tour is 6000 baht per person and is limited to only six people. Bookings can be made online or by visiting our office.

This Post Has 10 Comments
  1. What a wonderful opportunity for tourists and elephants alike. Another opportunity at ENP for people to learn more about ele’s in a compassionate way at the park. Way to go ENP!! you are leaders in fair, responsible and sustainable tourism 🙂

  2. What a fantastic program, one that our family would love to participate in when we come to visit the Elephant Nature Park later this year. What a wonderful way for these gorgeous elephants to live out their years, just magic.

  3. This makes my heart very happy. When I visited ENP last year I was saddened to see people riding elephants in the areas on the way into ENP. I hope one day all of these trekking camps will change the way your group has!!

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