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Our new rescue” Tang Mo”

After 32 hours on the road from Phuket, Tang Mo arrived at ENP safely. It was pouring rain. She was not interested in eating, so we took her to a temporary shelter next to Dok Rak and Thong Ae. When she arrived, she talked fluidly, sending her voice out to others, and it resonated with others. There were many grumbles and rumbles in return, even from those far away. This talking girl is a fascinating creature. Most importantly, she arrived home safely, and, while tired, soon to enjoy the easy life at ENP.
We are extremely grateful to the Trunks Up campaign to free Tang Mo. Thanks to every one who contributed toward that effort ! She is a truly beautiful girl, and suffered too long in the entertainment world.
Deep thanks to Ellen Cammarata and to the Love and Bananas team Australia, whose support helped immensely toward the freedom of Tang Mo. Gradually she will be introduced to our herd, until we are certain of whose company will make her happiest.
We will start the process of the rescue of her young male friend, San Mueang, as well. Updates soon.
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