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Our new rescue Mae Koy and Maliwan

The two females, Mae Koy (50 years old), and Maliwan (37 years old, 15 months pregnant) are on the way home to ENP.

We are half way now – it is a long journey. The elephants have been on the truck since five am. We crossed the ocean by ferry from Koh Chang to the main land.

We are fortunate that today is not hot, but heavy rain has followed us. We have stopped now to give food and water for the elephant and to let them rest.

We will drive until the curfew limit of 11 pm, and then we will park the truck until 3 am, the curfew limit. I feel sad that our Elephants have to wait for 4 hours until we move again, but at least they can sleep. The two elephants are very calm and easy to travel. They do not show signs of being nervous.

Our vet, Dr.Tom Channarong Srisa-ard is on the truck to monitor the elephant at all timesi. We will update again soon.


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