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Mr.Global 2019 visited Save Elephant Foundation

Inspiring Gentleman “Sexy for a Good Cause”

On 22nd September, 2019, we had the opportunity to welcome the contestants  over 38 countries from Mr. Global 2019 that visited at our sanctuary.

It is a great pleasure to educate them regarding to our animals. They have learnt a lot about the plight of Asian Elephants.

At this moment, we have more than 80 elephants that’s rescued to our park, most of our herd came from a life of abuse and neglect by human hands, with your supported we try to helped the elephants as much as we can to took them back to the their nature home , to return their life, to let s elephant being elephant , here and Elephant nature park, the place that they can join with the herd with happiness.

Other than the knowledge and the activities, the contestants also attended a workshop on campaigning the support of wildlife especially saving the elephants.

After the visit, Zoe in Yellow, Mister Global and Elephant Nature Park a long together in the X night at Zoe  in yellow. Both with  Zoe in Yellow and  Mister Global   raised funds for the organization in their quest  which is called “Mr. Global X Zoe in yellow Charity night” a funds raiser for Save Elephant foundation.

On behalf of Save Elephant Foundation, we are greatly  appreciated for your kindness support to aware  and care for Elephants , also other endangered species.

Your voice can make a big change to our world. We need your voice to ignite the change!






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