We March because they Matter
It was a busy and exciting weekend here at Elephant Nature Park with World Animal Day and the Global March for Elephants and Rhinos on Saturday October 4th. The Park was a hub of activity as staff and volunteers created signs and banners in preparation for the momentous occasion. It felt wonderful and important to be part of a global event that focused on the issues of highly endangered species and the welfare of animals in general. Though we are far away from the many big cities around the world where marches were held, the air here was vibrating with energy and anticipation. We all donned our ‘Devil wears Ivory’ or ‘Ivory is Death’ t-shirts proudly.
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Even the elephants could sense that Saturday was a special day!
It is our duty to be a voice for the elephants. And on this day, our voice is most critical.
If you – like us, stood up, spoke out and marched on October 4th, we hope you feel proud. We hope you still have that energized feeling from taking part in something so important – so MONUMENTAL. Your participation mattered! Each and every one of us carried an elephant or rhino’s spirit in our bodies as we marched.
On October 4th we truly became their vehicles, their voices.
Plai Klao a famous tusker of Thailand, was killed earlier this year for his tusks. Isilio, an iconic tusker of Africa died of natural causes this year, but his majestic dignity was stolen when his tusks were hacked from his lifeless body. Changila, Satao, Torn Ear, Mountain Bull, Qumquat – all massacred in the last year – and the thousands of others who have been slaughtered needlessly because of human’s greed for IVORY – were with us in spirit. The sad, neglected elephants who slave away to entertain unenlightened tourists, those dragging logs or rotting away – chained – 24 hours a day in a temple – an ironic icon in the name of religion – we marched in their honor. Those ghosts of elephants – wasting away, some in solitary confinement at zoos and circuses around the world, the zombies wandering the streets of Bangkok begging for food, all sense of self worth lost; we marched for them as well.
Not only did we march for the grand endangered ones…. we marched for all animals….Those in research labs, factory farms, the dog and cat meat trade, puppy mills, all who are exploited and thrown away by our human race.
So, as a voice for animals and as an organization which spends all day, every day trying to make life better for the animals in our care,
we want to say ‘THANK YOU!’.
Your participation was important. Each and every individual joining together in solidarity became a body of thousands. Our mission became a movement.

SEF is very grateful for your support in this event. We are SO PROUD of our ELEPHANT AMBASSADORS, whose voices and actions really make a difference. Ambassador or not YOU ALL made a difference. Whether you joined our virtual march at devilwearsivory.com , or if you marched in a city near your home, or you happened to be a visitor or volunteer here at ENP and joined our campaign activities in the park, we truly appreciate your involvement.
AND… we know, that in their own way the animals do too.