Mae Perm
The first elephant to be rescued by ENP in 1992, her name means ‘To Increase’. Mae Perm was born around 1950 and worked in legal logging until the ban in 1989. She was then bought by a wealthy Thai-French family who kept her as their pet. Mae Perm developed digestive problems from an unhealthy diet, at which point the owners decided to sell her. Under the care of Lek, her health quickly improved. She met her best friend Jokia (who is blind) in 1999 and the pair have been best friends ever since. Mae Perm is a nurturer-caregiver elephant who likes to care for others. She always makes sure that Jokia feels safe. Mae Perm never had her own baby so she was very happy when she first laid eyes on the young Hope all those years ago. Mae Perm was Hope’s first auntie. She loved caring for him, even if her friend Jokia was a bit jealous at times.