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Mae Jan Peng



Her name means ‘Full Moon’, and she was born around 1943. Mae Jan Peng’s  owners retired her to ENP in January 2009 after a long life of logging and trekking work. She had been owned and worked for the same Karen hill-tribe family for three generations. Mae Jan Peng has had 5 calves, has 4-6 grandchildren (the latest two are twins!) and two great-grandchildren. She has survived many attacks and falls during her working life with only some stiff joints and a bitten off tail to show for it. Mae Jan Peng has sadly outlived 2 of her children, one of which died in childbirth. At ENP, Jan Peng’s best friend is her very special mahout Patee who arrived with her. She is mostly shy of other elephants but is comfortable around Saza.

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