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Leadership, women and the United Nations In Bangkok












On 13th November, our founder was invited to be one of  keynote speakers at a conference on Leadership, Women &The United Nations in Bangkok .

The conference goals are to promote the expansion and renewal of prevalent paradigms of leadership and to ensure a more gender- balanced workplace across and beyond the UN organization.
















It was an honor and  privilege that our founder was chosen as the keynote speaker, sharing our work experiences, the challenge of  our founder’s works as a woman in the part of Asia, and to encourage and inspire women around the world to stand up as leaders.













We would like to thank Dr Adrain Sabet from the UN office in Geneva; Miss Veronika Hruba from the Knowledge Centre for Leadership and Management, UN office, Turin Italy; Marli Amorim and the whole team from the United Nations Staff College.
Thanks to all participants who were present at the conference. We hope that courage, creativity and compassion will be the hallmarks of our age suffering so many challenges, and in need of a matriarchal impression. Let us press our feet firmly into the earth.
#unitednation #womanandunitednations #empoweredwoman

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