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‘Journey to Freedom became my journey for life’



Debby J2F

Our intern Debbie was lucky enough to spend time on one of our more unique programs, Journey to Freedom. Here’s what she had to say about her experience:

‘Journey to Freedom was one of the most rewarding experiences I have had. The journey began when 8 people from all over the world along with two guides drove to one of the local villages called Mae Hame. The first few days we spent time getting to know the elephants in their natural habitat as well as learning their background stories. It’s a beautiful experience to observe them in the wild and learn about their habits and things they like to eat.

12177987_1004907099532740_1107166610_n-2Besides being with elephants, Journey to Freedom offers a chance to interact and teach the local children English language. It is a win-win situation where children get to practice some English and volunteers get to spend time with adorable kids and perhaps try teaching for the first time. Personally, I really enjoyed teaching because this way I felt I was truly giving something back.

Some days were spent cutting and planting grass for the elephants and on the odd occasion we were lucky enough to visit a temple and meet and greet locals.

After a long day, dinner time was something everyone looked forward to probably because Yo, our guide, was the best cook we could ever have. At night we spent time conversing, listening to Yo’s wisdom, playing games, drinking ginger tea, and just looking at stars.

Now that it’s over I know that I will never forget this experience. The people I was with hold a special place in my heart and Journey to Freedom became my journey for life.’

Journey to Freedom is a program ran by Save Elephant Foundation that allows volunteers to experience life in one of the Hill Tribes of Northern Thailand. Not only do volunteers have the opportunity to become immersed in the culture and learn the traditional ways of the Karen people, but they also spent time with the village owned elephants who roam freely near by. This project gives our volunteers a sense of achievement as they not only help the community by teaching local children, constructing local facilitates and assist with the care of the elephants but also offers a  cultural exchange in which they can learn lessons of the jungle that many travellers will never experience.


This Post Has 3 Comments
  1. Reading this was so inspiring and reaffirming! Next year I will be returning to the park to be part of the Journey to Freedom.

    The visit to the park changed my life as well in ways I never imagined.

  2. Reading this was so inspiring and reaffirming!

    Next year I am returning to the park to be part of the Journey to Freedom. My visit there last year changed my life in so many ways.

  3. Hi Dulguun!!! I just now read your post for the first time. Lovely remembrance of a truly special time. I’ll always treasure our week at CWS and am very excited about Journey in 2017 with Henry, Beth, and Kin. But first I look forward to a month volunteering on S Africa monitoring eles and rhinos

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