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Jaem Sai



jaem sai


Born around 1950, Jaem Sai, whose name means “Clear’, ‘Fresh’ or ‘Happy’was brought to Elephant Nature Park in March 2014 after she was rescued by Kanjana Silpa-Archa, the daughter of a former Prime Minister.Jaem Sai’s last job was at tourist trekking camp not far from ENP. In the past she worked in logging as well. For an older lady, she looks pretty good with no stiffness or broken bones. She is blind in one eye and has the occasional digestion problem, but is mostly happy and healthy. Within a few months of arriving, Jaem Sai became best friends with Banyen, who was rescued in January 2014.  Jaem Sai and Banyen now spend their days taking long leisurely walks in our Pamper a Pachyderm Program.

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