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Join the International March for Elephants

Fact: One elephant is killed every 15 minutes.

Fact: Last year, 36,000 elephants were killed for ivory.

Ivory, although banned in many countries, continues to be internationally smuggled. After China, Thailand is the largest consumer of ivory. And, it is still legal in the country.

On Friday, 4 October, people from around the world will stand in solidarity with the elephants and take to cities to ask the world to help stop the ivory trade at the International March for Elephants. The event will help to urge countries who still allow ivory to ban it and to show that the public cares about these magnificent creatures.

Join the International March for Elephants

We ask that you join us, Save Elephant Foundation, along with the Animal Activist Alliance, Elephant Nature Park and the Wildlife Friend Foundation, and the organizers of this international event, The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, on Friday, 4 October in Bangkok (or any of the other cities around the world where the march is taking place) to help raise awareness about poaching, about how quickly elephants will be gone from the wild, about the immediate need to stop the ivory trade.

We need you, no matter where in the world you are, to show your support. If you cannot attend an event, you can still help to spread the word online and encourage governments to clamp down on the ivory trade, and encourage people to end the demand.

For those attending the march in Bangkok, the schedule is below.

Thank you for helping to stop the ivory trade, and thank you for standing up for elephants.

Friday, 4 October
4 p.m.: Registration at MBK Center – Tokyu Zone on Rama I Rd. , Pathumwan Intersection, Bangkok
5 p.m.: March to ZEN Department Store at Central World/Ratchprasong Intersection.
6 p.m.: Conclusion of event with “Hope for the Elephant”
For details about the International March for Elephants, please visit:

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