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Happiness and friendship for Thai Koon

For the young Thai Koon who arrived to the ENP last May, fitting in has not been easy.

She was spending time with Bua Loy, Lucky and Boon Ma, but due to personality conflicts, that did not work out. For the past few months she has spent most of her time on her own.

Thankfully, each night when she is in her shelter, she has reached out to get to know the two gals next door and…. a friendship has blossomed with Kham Puan and Tilly.

These ladies also have rather quirky personalities and often ‘rub others the wrong way’….. They spend each day with the PAP program but when they return, Thai Koon is waiting excitedly, ready to join them.

Yesterday this new trio whooped it up in one of our many mud pits. There is a slight bit of jealousy between Thai Koon and Tilly over Mae Kham Puan, but the three seem to get along just fine.

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