ENP Rescues Trekking Elephant
For one lucky 65-year-old elephant, her life of trekking came to an end on 25 March 2014.
Kwan Jit, meaning sweet heart in Thai, stepped into a new life of freedom at Elephant Nature Park, joining more than 30 other rescued elephants who call this special sanctuary “home.”
Even a day earlier, Kwan Jit — now re-named Jeam Sai, or happy — was hauling riders at a nearby trekking camp. All that changed, thanks to the kind generosity of Khun Kanjana Silpa-Acrha, the daughter of the 21st Prime Minister of Thailand, Mr. Banharn Silpa-Archa. After learning of the elephant’s plight, she bought the pachyderm’s freedom and offered her to Lek and ENP to provide her a better life.

Rescuers walk alongside Jeam Sai as she makes her way from her old life of trekking to her new life of freedom at ENP.

En route to ENP, Jeam Sai needed a break to cool off. Here, volunteers douse her with water before continuing on their journey.
Khun Kanjana Silpa-Archa, ambassadors, volunteers and staff joined Lek on the rescue. Originally, the plan was to accompany Jeam Sai as she walked from the camp to the park.

Lek and Khun Kanjana Silpa-Archa hop aboard the truck as Jeam Sai makes the rest of the way to her life at ENP via truck.
However, after about two hours, she began to grow tired, and it was decided to call a truck to transport her the remaining distance. While some elephants do not like getting on trucks, she happily walked on in less than one minute.

Surrounded by members of the family herd and Khun Kanjana Silpa-Archa, Jeam Sai checks out her new home.
Once at ENP, the herd was brought over to greet her, using their trunks to sniff out the newcomer.
After saying hello to the park’s residents, she headed straight for the refreshing water of the Maetaeng River, splashing water on herself to cool off on the hot March day.
Following her exploration of the land and water, a blessing ceremony was held for her and then she received her new name. Elephants at ENP are given new names so they do not associate their former lives or memories of work, abuse and neglect with ENP and their life of freedom at the park.
Welcome to your new home, Jeam Sai!
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This makes me so happy to see those Elephants so happy and enjoying there life , Next time I go Thailand I will visit this Sancuary,
So proud of all that ENP does for elephants in their community, the country, SE Asia and the world with the awareness that is being built. I love that there is ceremony, so important for such a big life change for such a beautiful being.
Very nice! Thank you.
This is why I donate. She deserves to rest and live her life in peace.
Great story.,love these creatures.
I just did some work with earth watch programme fantastic to be able to save these beautiful animals
Amazing story i cry with every story for thire happyness to freedom.