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Elephant Nature Park’s Lucky Settles In

Lucky, who arrived to Save Elephant Foundation’s Elephant Nature Park just over one month ago, has settled in so well that it does not even feel like we have a new elephant! Lucky has joined with Mae Bua Loy, Mae Boon Ma and Dani. The trio has accepted Lucky completely and they are mostly inseparable.

Lucky with her new friends, Mae Boon Ma and Mae Bua Loy

Lucky with her new friends, Mae Boon Ma, Mae Bua Loy and Dani (absent)

Lucky was the star attraction of the ‘Lucky Circus’, which was based in Surin but travelled all over Thailand. She went blind due to years of performing under the spotlights. For the last three years she was kept at her owner’s home. Though treated like family, Lucky was not allowed to roam much and was very reliant on people to give her direction.

When Lucky first arrived to Elephant Nature Park, she seemed ‘more blind’ than our other blind elephants. The steps she took were a bit halting and she reached out with her trunk more than the other sightless elephants. She also seemed more dependent on the mahout. But – now that she has found friends and gained confidence – with each passing day, Lucky is moving about much more and is often seen exploring on her own.

Lucky exploring on her own at Elephant Nature Park

Lucky exploring on her own at Elephant Nature Park

Lucky is about thirty years old but she has a bit of a baby face and an adorable patch of thick spiky hair on her head. She is tall, with very long legs which make Mae Bua Loy and Dani appear quite short! Speaking of Mae Bua Loy, she was also rescued from Surin. As soon as Lucky caught the scent of Bua Loy, she seemed very interested and was drawn to her. They were able to become friends quite quickly. It could be possible that they had met in the past in Surin and were friends or acquaintances.

Whether or not this is the case, it is lovely to see Lucky settling in to her new life so smoothly. She is enjoying every moment and we feel very LUCKY to have her here, at Elephant Nature Park.

This Post Has 3 Comments
  1. Lucky seems to have such a wonderful personality. It’s no wonder she’s been so welcomed at the park. I love her hair and the quirky way she walks. She’s wonderful to be around. 🙂

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