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Don’t buy, just ADOPT

To any one who might buy a puppy from a shop, I would like to shed some light on this topic . At ENP, there is a limit of space and resources, especially during the COVID crisis. Rescuing dogs from a puppy mill was not on our radar. But when the animal organization called Watch Dog Thailand (WDT ) asked for help , our team went to work together with them to recover dogs from a living hell. It is not possible to turn our backs to these poor animals . We would find a way to manage another challenge. To help the valuable dog is not easy , even though we went with authorities. The owner was not prepared to give up his dogs, his “family”. It was stressful trying to deal with the owner, until the point that the dogs were loaded onto our truck.

This farm own by American man name Jack .S who was breeding the Thai Ridgeback, famous in our country. The owner has been a long time in Thailand, sending ‘hundreds of ‘his’ puppies to many countries around the world. If you check their website , even Hollywood Stars have recommended this source for the Ridgeback. The Thai Ridgeback puppies are adorable, but no one knows what is behind the scenes, nor considers the life of the mother who produces so many offspring to make an unrightful owner wealthy.

Our team went in to the facility and were appalled by the dog’s living conditions. They were kept in many stacked cages, barely room to move around, lying in their own or another’s filth that had fallen on them. Most were undernourished , their body’s full with ticks and fleas. Skin conditions were common. There was a dead dog in one of the cages, and others in critical condition. We rushed some to the animal hospital.

We have rescued most of them to our home now. Some of them are in our clinic requiring careful watch . Earlier today one of them had seizures. Our medical team has taken blood and fecal samples from all to assess general health condition. They have been given Bravecto to treat the tick and flea issue, as well as having been dewormed. Test samples should be confirmed tomorrow, and we will proceed with sterilisations as soon as possible. There is lots of work for our vets now.

This is all derived from the seemingly harmless consequence of being able to buy a puppy from a shop. Innocent lives fall victim to human greed and selfishness.
If any one of you are looking for a companion animal for your family , please consider this. Think twice if you want to buy a puppy. You may be a part of that cruelty , supporting an immoral business . If you want the company of a dog, your local shelters are too sadly full of the most beautiful companions imaginable, and millions are tragically euthanized each year. You can help to end this. END the Suffering. Please don’t Shop, but ADOPT.

ในภาพอาจจะมี สุนัข

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ในภาพอาจจะมี สุนัข และสถานที่กลางแจ้ง

ในภาพอาจจะมี สถานที่กลางแจ้ง

ในภาพอาจจะมี สถานที่กลางแจ้ง

ในภาพอาจจะมี สถานที่กลางแจ้ง

ในภาพอาจจะมี สุนัข


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