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Dao Ruang you will be greatly missed….and never forgotten

Today is a sad day for Muoy Khamwichai, the Pamper a Pachyderm program and all of us at SEF.

Old lady Dao Ruang, the first elephant Muoy rescued almost one year ago, has passed on.

Dao Ruang was already old and very, very thin when first rescued. It was not known how long she would last being so worn out. But under Muoy and her staff’s care and kindness Dao Ruang blossomed.

It took time but she slowly filled out and became more energetic. She was always a lovely elephant with an easy going demeanor and was loved by all who met her. Though her time of freedom was short and came so late in life, she had an amazing last year of life filled with positivity, interaction with other elephants, lovely long walks each day and long luxurious bath in the river.

She touched many lives and as well was touched by being constantly surrounded with positive energy and love. Dao Ruang you will be greatly missed….and never forgotten xxx

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