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Could baby elephant Navann be most popular at ENP?

Now that baby elephant Navann is out and about all day, every day, things have became much more exciting in the social world here at Elephant Nature Park.

Navann and his growing brigade of aunties give everyone the feeling that there is hope for new relationships. ENP’s Navann is gaining new admirers with each passing day. There is hardly an elephant in the park whose life Navann has not touched in some way or another.

baby elephant Navann at ENP

Among those in the herd vying for a position to care of the baby elephant are: Dani, who is totally smitten with him; Mae Kham Sai, who has recently become more bold and has a desperate desire to be an auntie; Mae Keow, who has finally opened her heart because of the arrival of Navann; and Faa Sai, who feels that because of her age, she needs as much experience with babies as possible.

Baby elephant Navann makes new friends

The elderly, yet robust, Mae Bua Kham has paid a visit to Navann, as well as Mae Jan Peng who has had much experience in the baby elephant department in the past. When Navann spent his days up in the front corner of the park, even the shy Dao Tong was pulled in by Navann’s cuteness and irresistible baby scent.

Baby elephant Navann and new aunties
Navann, Sri Prae and aunties Mae Kham Paan, Malai Tong and Jarunee spend their days down by the river in the area near the tree shrine. Sharing the territory with them is Dani, Mae Boon Ma, Mae Bua Loy and Lucky. As Navann becomes more self assured he is venturing away from his protective herd more often, possibly trying to broaden his fan base? He has been wandering over to say hello to Mae Boon Ma, Mae Bua Loy and Lucky most recently. Lucky seems the most unsure, but Mae Boon Ma and Mae Bua Loy are starting to get interested. This pair met and became friends when Tong Tae was here with his mother Mae Tong Dee. They both greatly enjoyed being aunties of Tong Tae, so it is hard for them to resist Navann.

Family herd greets baby elephant
Tong Jaan, Faa Mai and their mother Mae Bua Tong have recently begun to spend a bit of each morning with Navann’s group, both of the young girls are very obsessed with little Navann. Even naughty boy Chang Yim has wandered over, always having to be put in his place by one of the aunties if he gets too rough or over excited.

The baby elephant brings the other elephants together at ENP

With each new day, more possibilities arise. There is no telling who’s heart Navann will steal tomorrow. With camera ready, we will just have to wait and see.

This Post Has 5 Comments
  1. Navann began stealing hearts with his first dive into his tiny wading pool! He does everything with 100 percent enthusiasm and adorableness, and we can’t get enough of him!. I have no doubt that he will continue to win hearts worldwide as he grows. Please keep the wonderful videos of him coming!

  2. What magic has descended ENP in the form of Navaan! The social landscape looks so much different than when I was there in Jan., I am so happy for all the elephants. It will be fascinating to watch the effect of Dok Mai when she is unleashed onto all those open hearts.
    When Chang Yim was born and let free, what was the effect of him?

    1. The landscape is constantly changing, that’s for sure! I bet Jodi can tell you the details as to how Chang Yim’s entrance (along with Faa Mai’s) changed the dynamics of the herd.

  3. Every day is a happy day with navann
    He is charging beyond cute
    Because he is what he is a happy playful innocent elephant baby as he should be…..
    He has very strong charming character
    …everybody loves navann

    Due to navann I found the love of my life!

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