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Mae Tee stays determined

Dear old Mae Tee. At around 60 years old, she has an indomitable spirit. Against all odds, Mae Tee is roaming further and further afield with each passing day.

Mae Tee wanders from the medical center

Note how far behind Mae Tee the medical center is. Mae Tee really enjoys roaming far and wide.

She is enjoying fleeting interactive moments with Dok Mai, Dok Ngern and the other sociable members of that extended family group. She sometimes has pushing matches with Chang Yim.

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Mae Tee Finds Friendship in a Former Foe??

Hope and Mae Tee Since losing her best friend and constant companion, Mae Tee has spent the majority of time on her own, which is something that she is not used to. For the first week after Mae Kham Geao’s passing, Mae Tee seemed to be in a deep depression and we feared that she might just give up. But as time passed, she appeared to put her sorrow aside and accept her circumstances, deciding that she still had the will to keep going.

Most recently, Mae Tee has taken us all by surprise and seemed to align herself with a very unlikely cohort —our 12 1/2 year old bull HOPE!!!! In the past, Mae Kham Geao and Mae Tee were nothing short of terrified when Hope passed by, his spirit and energy a bit too much for them. Whenever Hope’s silhouette graced the horizon, getting larger with each onward stride, Mae Tee would often tremble in fear, unsure if she had the mobility to move out of his way in time.

At first this possibly ‘dangerous’ liaison seemed to be just a coincidence. Mae Tee and Mae Kham Geao used to spend part of their mornings near to Hope’s shelter and so it seemed that Mae Tee was just in the habit of going to this area. Soon though, despite it obviously being Hope’s territory, Mae Tee was often seen under his shelter scratching on the posts. Of course Hope was not actually present during this time and upon his eminent arrival, Mae Tee shuffled out of the area as quickly as she could. What we noticed is that she did not choose to move completely away and sometimes stayed where it would be possible for him to reach her.

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