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Positive reinforcement target training and foot care program back in action!

After a long hiatus waiting for the completion of a new and improved training wall, Elephant Nature Park is happy to announce that positive reinforcement based target training and foot care is once again part of our daily routine.

Elephant feet and care

The foot window is not yet completed. There will be two adjustable/removable bars for the foot to rest on. The stool is only temporary.

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The art of Touching an Elephant

The majority of us are blessed with the gift of sight. We take it for granted, without thinking how very lucky we are.

Imagine for a moment not being able to see, relying only on hearing and touch. Imagine being born blind, therefore not having any mental images stored for descriptive reference.

Imagine traveling to a foreign land, where your native tongue is not spoken and venturing to a place where elephants roam free and you can experience them up close, learning about them through touch.

Would you be afraid? Would you be excited?

For two years in a row we have had a very special group of teenagers from the Korean Art Association for the Blind who travel all the way from Korea to visit Elephant Nature Park, staying two days. They come from the Chungju Seongmo School for the Blind and their tour is titled “Touching an Elephant.” These students are training to be artists and are learning to ‘see by touch’ so that they can create works of art in various mediums.


Their stay at Elephant Nature Park included the group engaging in feeding the elephants, learning about them and having an up-close experience with Lek and Faa Mai.

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Top 10 Cute Animal Pics From Save Elephant Foundation

Recently, we’ve been overwhelmed with how frequently the word “awww” is heard in the office. Being around so many animals, not a day goes by without us witnessing something cute! Although we don’t always have access to a camera, here are our top shots of capturing cute at Save Elephant Foundation (in no particular order). As you’ll notice, Navann owns quite the monopoly at the moment!

If you want an even better look at these adorable snaps, click on the photos.

1. Starting off the nominees … baby Navann!

Navann kneeling in the sunWe may be biased, but we think he’s the cutest elephant in the world!

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