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]]>We showcase our first family and celebrate our first mother of ENP Mae Bua Tong… who is now a proud mother of two. Mae Bua Tong and herd mate Dok Ngern, also mother of two are the core of their family.
This large family group exemplifies the importance of the mothers and aunties role nurturing their young, guiding them and showering them with love and confidence.
Happy Mother’s Day.
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]]>The post Baby Elephant Mama Auntie Drama! appeared first on Save Elephant Foundation - Online News.
For the time being, Navann’s group is comprised of mom Sri Prae, Mae Kham Paan, Dao Tong and the little prince himself. For the first few days that Dok Mai was out, her big brother, Chang Yim, seemed to feel a bit overwhelmed by all of the female energy and rather outnumbered. The obvious choice was to ditch his family and go hang out with Navann’s group — which is exactly what he did!
Chang Yim spent the majority of his time with them, receiving more attention from these ladies and their baby bull. He whiled away the hours engaging in pushing matches with auntie Dao Tong and Sri Prae, when not having long plays in the river at the feet of the females, surrendering himself to the whims of Navann, who climbed on and slid off Yim’s growing bulk to his heart’s desire.
But alas, what is good for the goose is not good for the gander? The pushing matches did not do for the handicapped ladies what the playtime did for the baby, so it was decided that Chang Yim’s time with Navann’s group must be limited to short visits.
Back into the fold of over-emotional females for Yim, who is doing a pretty good job of being a big brother and truly seems to have lost his interest in suckling from his mom. This had been our biggest worry, the suckling … Chang Yim was seen nursing from Dok Ngern the very morning of the day of Dok Mai’s birth. We did not need a jealous, naughty, big brother competing with a delicate, new born, little sister for the breast. This is why Dok Mai and Dok Ngern stayed in the shelter for so long … so that Chang Yim would forget about this luxury.
Junior Nanny Faa Mai checks to make sure that the milk is just the right temperature for little Dok Mai (yeah, right!).
Interestingly, but not really suprisingly, Yim has not been a problem at all. But, FAA MAI … she is suckling from Dok Ngern on occasion! Faa Mai does not try to push out Dok Mai, oh no, she just goes for the unoccupied breast on the other side. This has not created any problems to date, but at some point Dok Ngern may protest (and with good reason).
The first day of Dok Mai’s liberation, Sri Nuan stayed on the sidelines, close to Chang Yim who was also kept away for safety’s sake. Faa Sai was right by Dok Ngern’s side, intent on Dok Mai, working hard to prove that she could fill the shoes of the Number One Nanny position. We thought that possibly Mae Sri Nuan would be content to take on the role of Chang Yim’s primary caregiver and not really get involved in Dok Mai’s care, but day two proved that hunch to be wrong, wrong, WRONG!
Once Sri Nuan wandered over, everything changed. Dok Mai knew right away — this lady had experience and better yet — breasts!!! Dok Mai suckled from Sri Nuan within the first moments of her arrival. Mae Sri Nuan shivered and rumbled with pleasure and contentment. THIS was what she was made for!
Faa Sai would have to be happy with Auntie Number Two position, which could otherwise be known as ‘Junior Nanny Number ONE’ if it made her feel better.
This had been one of the things that had perplexed Dok Mai. To her, all of the “junior aunties” were BIG. She did not know they were not full-grown and not fully developed … because she saw them as caregivers, she instinctively had reached up to suckle from each of them, but found nothing to latch onto! Needless to say, the arrival of Mae Sri Nuan and later, Mae Thai, was a great comfort to the baby elephant.
The Junior Nannies still do what they can — and proudly. They parade around the park hovering over Dok Mai who is usually front and center, with this look that seems to say “Look at OUR baby! Did you see? WE have a new baby! isn’t she amazing?” They truly feel that she is THEIRS, not only Dok Ngern’s.
In this special and unique place that is Elephant Nature Park, the bonds and surrogate families that form based on friendship, love and commitment seem just as intensely strong as the blood related family groups who roam free in the wild. For our family groups and their wild cousins, life revolves around the baby.
The post Baby Elephant Mama Auntie Drama! appeared first on Save Elephant Foundation - Online News.
]]>The post The role of the auntie to a baby elephant appeared first on Save Elephant Foundation - Online News.
]]>Ideally, every female elephant wants to be a mother.
Therefore, the competition is stiff for the coveted role of “auntie” or “allo-mother” to a baby elephant. The bonds that develop among the surrogate family members are incredibly strong, comparable with those of a blood related family herd in the wild.
In the unique environment of ENP the role of “auntie” is multi-faceted. For example, at this time Mae Sri Nuan is the primary nurturer caregiver to Chang Yim. It is her responsibility to comfort him, distract him from the thought of his mother’s breast and try to keep him in line — all with an infinite amount of patience. Dok Ngern is busy with Dok Mai, Chang Yim’s new baby sister. Very soon, it will be time for Dok Ngern and Dok Mai to join the herd. Yim has to be ready and on his best behavior.
In the meantime, Sri Nuan is kept busy attending to Chang Yim’s needs. Chang Yim is a strong and healthy bull with emerging tusks, fast approaching four-years-old. He loves to be doted upon, but is also independent.
He enjoys a playful sparring match and needs to be put in his place when he takes it too far. He has observed reproductive behavior, which inspires him to seek out someone loving and tolerant who will allow him to practice!
Mae Sri Nuan cheerfully takes on all of these tasks. Her role is critical, especially with the arrival of the younger sibling.
Adopted aunties take their position very seriously. They are there to help care for the baby not because they have to be, but because they WANT to be.
The post The role of the auntie to a baby elephant appeared first on Save Elephant Foundation - Online News.
]]>The post Dok Ngern appeared first on Save Elephant Foundation - Online News.
Her name means ‘Silver Flower’ and she was born in 1999. Dok Ngern was rescued in January 2006 from elephant shows and street begging. Like all captive working elephants, Dok Ngern had a traumatic childhood. She was forced to learn demeaning circus-style tricks, and when she could take it no more, she attacked and injured her mahout/trainer. Knowing she would become more difficult to handle as she grew bigger, the owner decided to sell. Coming to live at ENP has been very healing for her. She is now a member of our largest family group and has two offspring, a son named Chang Yim and a daughter named Dok Mai.
The post Dok Ngern appeared first on Save Elephant Foundation - Online News.