Jarunee was born around 1950. She worked in both illegal and legal logging as well…
Elephant is one largest mammal on earth. They are glamorous animal. Sadly they have been being taken advantages of by human for over decades for various reasons : ivory poaching, performance, riding, logging or street begging. All of these is to serve human’s needs.
World Elephant Day is an international annual event on August 12, dedicated to the preservation and protection of the world’s elephants.
It was officially established by by Canadian filmmakers Patricia Sims and Michael Clark of Canazwest Pictures, and Sivaporn Dardarananda, Secretary-General of the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation in Thailand. The goal is to raise awareness to the plight of African and Asian Elephants and to share knowledge to educate the public in order to find the solution for the better care and management of endangered animal species.
Hence, this is one important day for Elephant Nature Park. On 12th of August our founder Lek Saengduean together with the volunteer team and overnight guests raised the signs as a symbol to shout out to the world:
“Bring them home. Ban the trade. Elephants are here to stay”
This is to raise the awareness to the public, especially on the trade of Thai elephants, our national symbol who have been abused or decades.
It is time to take actions to stand up against this cruelty, unfairness and protect their right because we all believe that all animals deserve to make choice on how to live their lives. Hopefully our voice will make a huge change in the future.
Thank you our weekly volunteers, overnight guests and all other participants for making this happen.