Arrival of Yai Boon, the new member of ENP.
Good news! We have saved one more elephant.
Her name is Yai Boon, an old lady in her 70s.
On 12th of July lady Yai Boon traveled a very long way from Pattaya to Chiang Mai.
Granny Yai Boon was an old friend of Yai Bua. They used to work at the same place and stay chained together for four years.
Yai Bua was rescued in 2016. At that time Yai Boon was still healthy so the owner didn’t let her go. Hence she had been used for riding until
she collapsed. She was in a bad condition : very thin, malnourished and dehydrated. We sent our veterinarian to check on her and to ensure
that she is strong enough for 14 hours’ journey.

Yai Boon on the way to her last home.
Finally mission complete!
Yai Boon arrived safely at Elephant Nature Park.
Despite her fragile and dehydrated health condition, she was able to make it. Thanks to Dr. Channarong who monitored her during the transport, to Darrick who stood for her and never left her side and to Meredith and Nikki who were willing to join this rescue mission in order to bring Yai Boon to freedom. Plus Thank you so much to Allene Lapides and Singleton Rankin who have given the opportunity for Yai Boon to rest, and taste both joy and freedom.

Yai Boon’s first step to the land of love and freedom.

You’ll be alright. Come morning light. You’ll be safe and sound.
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How is Yai Boon doing today?
Greetings from Germany.
Hello Stephanie.
Yai Boon is doing well. She is staying in her spacious enclosure near to the clinic so our vets could do a daily check-up on her.
She’s being fed with chopped grasses which is easier for her to chew and digest. Her new mahout takes her out for a walk. Now her body is brown as she has had a mud spa.
We are definitely going to make sure that she gains back some weights and become a happy healthy elephant.
Thank you very much for asking!