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A message from Lek: The Elephant Sanctuary Cambodia at Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary

We’re on the road rescuing two elephants. During this time, our founder takes a moment to address the rescue and the Elephant Sanctuary Cambodia.

Dear Friends and Supporters:
I am on the trip to rescue elephants in Cambodia and bring to our project near Siem Reap. It have been two years we silently built the project and facilities. We have work closely with Cambodian government and Environment Minister in Cambodia. Our duty it not just about the elephant, but other animal welfare, wildlife and forest restoration in this beautiful land.

Been working in Cambodia , I have learned a lots of things about organizations here. Many of them are so good and we work well together, but some of the organization not prepare to work with the others and are only critical and attack. It quite sad. Just want to let you know any time when human have work with politic , the real victim are the animal.

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