Yai Bua passed peacfully
With heavy heart, yesterday she still enjoyed her swimming pool, eating well, and walking around her shelter. The mahout contacted us last night to report that Yai Bua had lain down, and we told him to let her sleep . For a long time now, when Yai Bua lays down, it is difficult for her to stand up by herself. So, as with many old elephants, they are fearful to lay down. That she lay down is good, and a chance for her to rest. We didn’t expect it to be her final rest. This morning we discovered that she passed away peacefully while she slept. We loved her dearly, and have learned so much from her. To have known YaiBua is to be enriched with courage, tenacity and an indomitable spirit.
R.I P our beautiful lady.
You are a true legend .