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Four Kittens Join the Save Elephant Family

What happens when Save Elephant founder Sanguden “Lek” Chailert discovers animals in need of care? She steps up and helps. This is exactly what happened earlier this week when four tiny kittens, approximately two weeks old, were delivered to Elephant Nature Park.

The kittens, Tigger, Butterscotch, Junior and Spot, lost their mom when she was hit by a car outside of an elephant trekking camp nearby our park. Now, they are splitting their time between living at the Save Elephant office in Chiang Mai and with vets, volunteers and staff at the park.

The babies (three boys and one girl), are still too young to eat on their own, so every couple of hours the loving staff warms up goat milk and bottle-feeds each little one before placing them back among a warm pile of blankets and watching them fall asleep together in a cuddle puddle.

Because they don’t have a mom, the staff also has to help stimulate them in order to get them to initiate nature’s call. It’s a slightly smelly task, but the staff is happy to be replacement mommies until the kids are old enough to eat and go to the bathroom on their own.

Eventually, the kittens will live at the park and may be up for adoption.

Check out our newest “herd”

Spot — The lone female in the group, she has a tiny face that draws comparisons to Yoda. Her underbelly is mostly white and she is the only tri-colored kitten in the group. She is super feisty and loves to eat. When it’s time for the bottle, she is quick to trample her brothers to be the first to get milk.

Butterscotch — This calm guy loves attention. Whether he is trying to play (which is adorable) or just striking a cute pose, he is always keen to be pet. He and Junior seem to get along the best.

Tigger — Named for his almost entirely orange coat with burnt orange strips that draw comparison to the popular “Winnie the Pooh” character, Tigger is really sweet. He has a great personality, is really playful and borders on mischievious at times. He’s normally the first one to sneak out come feeding time.

Junior — Named after a look-alike kitten, Mr. Lucky, at Elephant Nature Park, Junior is destined to be a great cat. He is cuddly and sweet and often times the biggest cuddle bug of the four.

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