Happy Birth Day our ambassador” Faa Mai”
Our beautiful Faamai is 11 years old today. She has matured so wisely and yet retains the innocent heart of a child.
She is still our little girl. Her heart is generous, her demeanor polite to all with whom she spends time.
Her walk is not limited about the Park, for her behavior is always loving and kind. She will approach anyone,
whether loved yet or not, with a confidence that is to be envied. She has a wisdom revealing Love as her final line, regardless of outcome.
Born to our herd, Faa Mai never passed through the training crush. Her attitude, peaceful and gentle, reflects that experience.
It is a telling statement on the industry as to what kind of model of care or management is judicious in this Day and Age.
We are so happy to see our girl grow up as an exemplary ambassador to her own kind and to our own.
Happy Birthday Faa Mai !