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41 rescued cows arrived at ENP


I pray so often for there to be no need to rescue, that people would treat animals with kindness, and care well with compassion. It seems my prayers come to nothing. Animals enter into our project almost daily. There are only two words,

Yes or No.

Yes means our family grows larger, but of course, there is need for more staff, more work, more food and medicine and other expenses. No is rarely an option for us, so we look for ways to manage. To see a beautiful life carry on to suffer or go to the slaughter house is intolerable. We would rather rescue them. Perhaps one day that won’t be possible, but we will always strive on behalf of those in need, to be free from harm with a new chance to live.

Today we rescued 41 cows from North Eastern Thailand, from a military camp who oferred us to save these lives before they would be sent to slaughter. A soldier had prevailed on their behalf. We prepared a large protected space for them to roam free for the rest of their days. Soon their sicknesses will clear and, being well fed, the bony bodies will flesh out into their natural bovine beauty.

This Post Has One Comment
  1. What were they doing in a military camp? Were they being kept for slaughter? I see they all have ear tags,
    so they belonged to *somebody.*

    Skinny, too – someone wasn’t looking after them much.

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