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2014 … Elephant Nature Park’s year in review

The end of December is upon us. Another year has flown by so quickly.

When your life revolves around elephants, you lose track of time. The days blend in to weeks and then months and before you know it, another year is gone.
2014 has ended very sadly for SEF and Elephant Nature Park with the passing of Mae Keow — her demise was a very unexpected development. We are still in shock. This was a tragic reminder that anything can happen at any time. Life is precious.

Despite the passing of two of our herd members (we lost Mae Tee over the summer), we were blessed with the arrival of six rescued elephants and an amazing matriarch in the form of Khun Nuna Silpa Archa, who has become the newest guardian and spokesperson for Thai elephants.

Highlights from 2014

2014 started on a high note on January 1st, with the establishment of Pamper a Pachyderm. This is a collaboration between SEF and a nearby elephant camp who chose to change their format from a typical trekking camp with riding and hooks – to a wonderful walking with elephants experience, with no hooks and no riding. One year later, this program is a grand success! Thanks to Muoy Khamwichai for taking a chance and making a change for the better.

Pamper a Pachyderm -a great success.

Pamper a Pachyderm -a great success.


Banyen, looking battered upon arrival.

Late January heralded the arrival of Banyen, an older female rescued from south of Chiang Mai. She arrived thin and with many wounds but with time, she recovered and has gained weight and energy. She initially joined the Pamper a Pachyderm program but is now spending her days in ENP, side-by-side with her best friend, Jaemsai.

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Khun Nuna and Jaemsai

March was a monumental month as this was when Khun Nuna paid her first visit to ENP and a very important alliance for the elephants was born. A door was opened that would lead to much positive change for elephants and other animals here in Thailand. Khun Nuna wasted no time and sprung in to action.

Within a few weeks,  Khun Nuna rescued her first elephant, an old lady who had been working in trekking. Khun Nuna re-named her Jaemsai, after her mother. Jaemsai has settled in quite well and now has a constant companion with Banyen.

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Hope roaming happily in his private chain free yard.

April marked the much anticipated grand opening of the chain free bull yards!!! Hope was moved into his private yard this month and immediately tucked into the 6 foot tall Mapia grass that was growing through out. This was an incredible development as it meant that not only would our bulls be chain free, but also mahout free!

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Thaikoon enjoys the river.


The month of May heralded the arrival of yet another elephant in need of a new life. A 20-year-old landmine victim who had grown up in the illegal logging trade was re-named Thai Koon after the Thai Koon Steel Company from Bangkok, who had donated the funds for her rescue. Thai Koon’s favorite activity is floating in the river. This is where she spent most of her time for the first few months after her rescue. Presently, she is struggling to find her place in the herd because in her past life, interaction with other elephants was very limited. Things are looking up for Thai Koon as it seems that she may connect with Tilly and Mae Kham Puan in the near future.

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Happy to be an auntie – Pornsawan and Yindee.

June brought both happiness and sorrow. Pornsawan finally began her life as a nanny and friend to other elephants and at 20-years-old, she has many happy years ahead.

But …

july 2013

Beautiful, gentle Mae Tee.


Mae Tee‘s legs could carry her no longer. Despite the condition of her limbs on arrival and her inability to lay down, Mae Tee made the most of her five years here and lived life to the fullest, sharing three happy years with her very best friend Mae Kham Geao. She is still greatly missed.

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Jungle Boy and Chang Yim enjoying their pool.


August was a month of new beginnings for Jungle Boy and Chang Yim as they were finally transferred to their chain-free bull yard!! It was wonderful to watch them explore and enjoy their new found freedom. By far, their favorite activity was swimming in the custom made pool!!! For the next few months they could be seen in the pool multiple times a day, sometimes as early as 7 a.m.!

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Tubtim happy to be with Navann.


With the month of September, along came a tiny but feisty, worn out old crone of an elephant who was renamed Tubtim (thanks again to Khun Nuna). She immediately decided that Navann was made for her and attached herself to his family group. It is not always so easy for a new arrival to fit in. We are glad that Tubtim’s transition in to her new life was smooth.


World Elephant Day at ENP.

October was an important month because the 4th was the second annual World Elephant Day. The year previous Lek, volunteers and staff journeyed to Bangkok to march in solidarity with thousands of others who were marching in cities around the world. This year we were unable to organize a march here in Thailand so we chose to dedicate our day inside the ENP to the cause and show our support with our ‘DEVIL WEARS IVORY’ t-shirts and banners and posters. Volunteers, mahouts, kitchen staff, guides, overnight visitors and day guests all got involved.

November was another month for rescues. Khun Dej, a three-year-old bull with a badly injured front left leg, arrived in the beginning of the month. Once again, we can thank Khun Nuna Silapa Archa for arranging for Khun Dej to be moved to the ENP. He was immediately taken in by Dani who has always loved babies. Now, she finally has one to call her own. Little did Dani know that her family would be growing soon …


Dani with her new family, Khun Dej and Seree.

Three weeks later, 11-year-old Seree, who has a dislocated hip, was rescued! Seree had been used as a street begging elephant since she was one. A few days after Seree arrived, she fell in love with Khun Dej and Dani and has now joined them full-time. As we continue to get to know Seree, we are more than happy that she has joined our herd. Seree is a very spirited elephant who is quite rebellious. Life on the streets must have been quite terrifying for her. At ENP, she now enjoys running wild and rolling around in the mud with Khun Dej. She is also quite appreciative of the auntie role that Dani has taken on. Torn from her mother way too young, Seree is desperate for comfort and guidance.


The first ever Sunrise with Pachyderm group with the eles in the background.

December started hopefully when yet another small elephant camp approached Lek, asking for help in changing their program and adopting our concept.

Now Sunrise with Pachyderms has been born!! This means that two more elephants are enjoying their days walking peacefully through the jungle, without trekking seats or hooks, browsing where ever they choose to stop. Four lucky people enjoy tagging along and taking great pictures as well! Thanks goes to Khun Balaeng who chose to make such a smart and compassionate decision. It is looking like this ‘walking with elephants’ concept is catching on and it seems that there are a few more elephant camps near by who are considering changing their program in the near future.


Animal welfare laws a reality in Thailand!

The most amazing and long awaited development this month is the very first ever animal welfare laws against animal cruelty in Thailand are now in effect! There should be much positive change in store for many animals in the land of smiles in the year ahead.

Though we have achieved much in the past year and have much to look forward to in the year ahead, our thoughts still linger on Mae Keow. Our hearts are heavy with sadness. It is never easy to lose a loved one. We hope she is at peace, standing side-by-side with Lily.


Trumpets of thanks go to all of you who have visited or volunteered at one of our projects over the past year, and all of you who have supported us and helped to spread the word and raise awareness for elephants via the internet. You are all very important and appreciated and we could not do this without you. Blessings to you – may your New Year be filled with happiness and good health.

This Post Has 6 Comments
  1. Great review Jodi with all the sadness there is still so much love and joy and while elephants may pass away you and everyone at the park make their lives no matter how long or short to be in freedom, love, kindness and free from cruelty and it is all worth while.

    We all collectively share the pain when we hear of an elephant passing but in our hearts we know that they were in the best place.

    I am sure I speak on behalf of many many people that we all appreciate and love you for your undying dedication to the park and all its inhabitants whether, dog, cat, elephant, pig or water buffalo.

    1. Khun Dej’s foot/leg is doing as well as can be expected. He will most likely need ongoing care for the rest of his life. His foot will never go back to normal. He will always be handicapped. But despite this, Khun Dej does not dwell on his injury and he just gets on with life and has a good time. He loves to play in the mud and water and enjoys sparring with Navann and Saree.

  2. Something wonderful is happening and I am honored to bear witness to the changes being made for Elephants. Yes, one person can make a difference but it is even more incredible to change a culture, a people and a way of life. Thank you Lek, Darrick and Jodi for all you have done for not only the Ele’s but for all the lives you have touched…feathered, scaled, hooved, 2 legged and 4 legged there are too many of us to count who’s lives you have changed for GOOD.

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