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Update on Gluayhom’s life at ENP


Apparently he looks awesome in the pool.

It has been a month since Gluayhom arrived at Elephant Nature Park.

And of course! He’s been doing great.

His leg is almost back to normal, but the joint is still stiff and he favors that leg. His hind quarters are still weak, and muscle atrophy clear due to lack of exercise for years. That will change with time. We will need take or a walk and bring him to the pool for his leg and body exercise. The swelling is significantly reduced. We’re so pleased with our medical team.

His energy levels are good. He eats well and he has gained some weights. He had been sleeping at at the mud pits. Now he sleeps in the shelter on the sand piles. He loves to take a walk around his new home. We don’t need any tools to control him at all. Just food and he will follow. He’s really cute!

He is isolated in a large and still show no interest in any other elephants, which is good. Due to his EEHV condition, he needs to avoid contact with other elephants.  But all in all, he is doing great ! We are so proud of him.

As a young elephant, he has been through a lot. We will ensure that he both physically and mentally healed.

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This Post Has One Comment
  1. In the states there a product. LYSOL it states on its label that it get rid of herpes you simply apply it direct;y to the spot.To say it on their label “means it really works or they would get sued. I have used it for foot fungus ( 2 applications only) and i spoke to a postitue and they use it in a very diluted form as a douche to prevent getting herpes. It smells bad when wet until it drys, them no smell. I am going to send some to you. Please at least try it. It could be the little secret that cures EEHV. Its harmless to the skin i use it as a deodorant. It is not expensive could save you a lot of money, it could work where BOTH mammals. I would clean their feet with it daily. Once they have got used to it. rub their whole body down. Do a couple of treatment and test their blood again. it smells bad but it really works. YOU MIGHT CLEAN THE SLEEPING AREA with it- but put it on them before they go to sleep
    Much love to Nevann and Gluay hom Pauline Phillips Any questions about use call 707 887- 1935
    i am saying a little pray to Ganash that you will believe me and use it

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