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Zombie – sponsor update July 2015

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Oh Zombie, he is a real miracle and a real fighter. At the beginning of May he was in a really bad state of health, his kidneys were failing and he was so bad that we were very close to putting him down. But before we did that last step we wanted to put him back to his run first, to see how he’s doing there and to give Wolf Mumma and Hayley – who both love him that much – a chance for a good-bye. Once back there he started to fight, started eating again and he’s improved ever since. He is getting fluids twice every day to help his kidneys functioning. Although there was a time when it seemed he got worse again and lay around most of the time, he is now up and about again, standing and walking most times when we walk by. His hind legs are not the best anymore either, but he still manages fine. We are keeping a close eye on him and if there comes a time when he seems to be just suffering we will let him go in dignity, but for now the times that he still seems to enjoy life outweigh by far and we really hope there will be more updates to follow.

Post Series: Zombie
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