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Wolfie, Izzy, Pebbles

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Wolfie, Izzy (Little Izz), Pebbles (Pebbs)
The gang, alias “Killer Crew” (named such by a fellow volunteer because of the constant barking!) have all settled in well.
Izzy (Little Izz) has yet to learn not to climb all over my whippet when she is under her blankets, yet despite numerous tellings off, she still does it. This tiny thing has no fear!
She never stops eating so I have to make feed time a limited routine for all six of my dogs or she is in there scoffing everyone else’s too and has a little belly now.
When I first got her home, she used to walk along, barking continuously, but now its more selective.
She is a good little alarm when we are out in the woods and parks and sees and hears things way before any of the other dogs.
I have been known to sneak her up to my bed at night (because she is so darn cute!).
 For such a tiny dog, this little sweetie, loves running with me and gets so excited. When we get home to the house, she does a cute rolling action on the blankets – happy to be back.
She loves her chewy sticks and every time I see her in the garden – she has one in her mouth. I always  laugh to myself, Its like she has a “fag” (cigarette) in her mouth and she tells all the other dogs off if they go near the chewy sticks.
I have tried and tried to get this girl to learn to sit and she has had so many sausages as reward, but my goodness, ‘mind of her own’ would be an understatement.I am working on it!  She was using the house as a toilet when she arrived, but of late, thankfully, its just the occasional accident, so all is good.
Wolfie, a lovely boy but still very clingy and insecure, I have yet to break him out of his random charges for other dogs, growling. I do have to keep him on the lead a bit more than the other guys. He makes feeble attempts at telling my Jack Russell’s off but they keep him in line.
Wolfie needs a lot of TLC. Sometimes he gets very weary of people going to stroke him from height.
I am attending an obedience course (8 weeks) with him as I want to try and work on his socialisation and fear/aggression/nervousness/growling.
He is however, so well behaved with his re-call and sitting, in fact, a dream. Again, a fantastic little athlete when we go out for our runs and likes paddling in the lakes.
He is a bit slow again to learn etiquette – like Izzy, he is still jumping over my Jack Russell’s and whippet when they are under their beds. Occasionally, all hell lets loose but, he’s learning his place, which is not on my arm chair either!
Pebbles (Pebbs), this little girl thought she was “The Boss” when she arrived but is mellowing nicely and a real sweety. Her and my whippet are the dream team, when it comes to rabbit chasing. She again used to run at other dogs, with an aggressive charge, but is slowly loosing interest and minding her own business.
Again, I have sneaked this cutey up to my bed and she goes to sleep by my feet (but that’s a well kept secret – LOL – from the whippet and Jack Russell’s anyway!!!).
Pebbs has good recall and also sits.
When I went walking some weeks ago, I met an Australian guy in the park and he said “Cuteness fix of the day” as we walked towards him.
People think the gang are  so cute. “What type of breed are they?” is a common question.
 “Thai breed” is all I say. “Oh, I have never heard of that” is usually the answer.
The, “orrrrrr, so cute” is the usual response to Little Izz when we are out running. She is like a speedy floor mop on the grass!
I was walking last week and a man said “Dog envy” as we walked towards him. I definitely have lots of chats on route during my dog walks.
I am covering some mileage on walks with these guys .
I groom the Jack Russell’s and whippet a couple of times a week and the “Killer Crew” always want a groom too! They have all had ” short back and sides” at the doggy parlour – very short practical hair cuts! In fact, a couple of times, because drying them after the muddy walks and rain is so difficult. They look very smart.the girls at the doggy parlour love them!
Not one of the six I have are interested in toad catching but I have decided that’s because they are all clever and survival is telling them; “That could be a killer toad, so leave it be” (ha ha, wishful thinking). Not the same can be said for squirrels and rabbits with Pebbles and the whippet.
Little Izz walks  by my side and by my Jack Russell’s, who are always busy ball playing.
It’s all go in my house but full of cuteness as you can see from the pictures.
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