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Thanks volunteers

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We want to thank Michelle, Will, Dianna, Mary, Qiao, demi for helping us taking care of our doggies here at ENP dogs. Thanks Demi and Giao for taking care of our puppies, you guys had a hard week giving them some discipline as well as so much love. We know puppies involve lots of poo but who cares when you have those sweet faces as a reward. Lisa And Will, you guys were funny, caring and in a word, amazing. Michelle thanks a lot for your hard work at the main area, and Dianna we ( and Dam) can’t wait to see you back. Not to mention our long term volunteers Nati and the famous Stupsi (Demian) who put all their hearts every time they visit us. Dr Michelle, once again thanks a lot for helping us take care of our dogs, we are glad you will be with us for a little while more.

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