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Thank You To Our Volunteers

We don’t get tired to thanks every week the group of dog volunteers. Every week has its challenges but the last three have been particularly special with the new rescued dogs. We managed because all of you guys.

The last group of rescued dogs, eventhough less amount of dogs (21 from a mass poisoning threatening), was still emotionally and fisically hard. Paul, Jane and Pilar thanks so much for your hard work at the main area. You made a great team, was fun to have you here. We are very sad to say goodbye to Jenny who did not stop no even one day during her three weeks with us, we know you got attached to little Piak and the boy Chok Rai and many more, they all going to miss you. 

Rosie and Emma was great you joined Jenny this last busy week and we are very happy you will stay one more week with us. Lucie and Jess, no words to describe the amazing and organized job you are doing with so so so many puppies. A big thanks to Jo who last two weeks helped us taking care of the sick cats. We won’t forget your kidness and dedication.

Thanks Linnea for help us with the doggies in the office. A big thanks to Jack and Monica who have been very busy this week organizing the extraordinary amount of recent donations we have got without mention the eyes medication, the fluids, the special care of disable dogs and much more that you always do, and finally but not less important thanks a lot to John and Lisa who besides to be working at the main area, have helped us organizing the files of the new rescue dogs, putting jumpers on some of the short hair doggies and much more. We are very sad your time with us is coming to the end very soon.

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