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Thank You To This Week’s Volunteers

What a busy final week of the year, with around 100 dogs rescued from puppy farms – the biggest intake of dogs the park has had since the Bangkok floods of 2011. The dog volunteers this week have worked their tails off looking after the dogs that were already there, but also beginning the process of cleaning, grooming and treating all the new dogs, too.
In the main clinic area we had Lisa, Jhon, Sjaak, Kaisa, Jo and Ben, while Jenny and Gi Gi looked after the gallery area. Cookie spent the week in the office area with Boss, Jackfruit and Yoda and also looked after the outside cages which were put into use with our new arrivals. A huge thank you to Lucie and Jess, who’ve been caring for our ever-growing group of puppies – there are 55 now! Last but not least, thank you to Jack and Monica, who’ve ensured that the dogs have received their eye and ear medicines and fluids throughout this busy week. Monica has also been doing water therapy with some of our disabled dogs too.
We would never have been able to cope with the huge amount of dogs rescued this week without the dedication of our volunteers, who were still out working in the pitch black after the first truck load of new dogs arrived.
A massive thank you to all of our weekly and long-term volunteers – it’s been a tough, crazy, emotional and exhausting week, but what we’ve achieved is truly amazing – thank you!

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